May 19, 2021
As your parents or senior loved one continue their journey in retirement, you might start to worry about how well they’re getting through each day. When certain health and wellness needs begin to stack up, like requiring help with medication management or daily tasks, you realize extra support might be a good idea. While you’ve heard nursing homes can help your loved one, you’re uneasy about taking them out of their home.
Is there a reliable nursing home alternative that can give your loved one the support they need while minimizing the impact on their lifestyle? Let’s take a closer look at senior home care to explore its benefits and determine whether it’s the right option for your unique situation.
When you hire a professional at-home senior caregiver, they’ll have the time to get to know your loved one on a personal level. The one-on-one nature of at-home senior care lets the caregiver focus their efforts on the unique needs of whomever they’re helping. For example, if your loved one has a history of falling, a caregiver can help by guiding them through balance exercises.
At a nursing home, senior residents usually outnumber the staff, which may mean residents won’t get as much face-to-face time with their caregivers. Plus, the hospital-like setting of many nursing homes can sometimes play a part in residents being more resistant to the care they need.
Your loved one’s home is filled with precious memories and offers a familiar, safe environment. With the comforts of home, they’ll not only experience less stress, but will also be more open to health suggestions their caregiver provides. Comfort also plays an important role if your loved one is healing from an injury or recent surgery. Recent research has shown older adults who are comfortable heal faster when they’re in a familiar environment.
It’s natural to think at-home senior care is out of your budget because of the customized support offered. However, when comparing at-home care to the cost of a nursing home, the numbers might be closer than you think. According to the American Council on Aging, the average cost of a nursing home is roughly $290 dollars per day. The average hourly rate for at-home senior care is $24 dollars an hour. You could hire an at-home senior caregiver for eight hours a day and still be under the cost of a nursing home in most cases.
At nursing homes, meals are prepared for a large group of residents. This can make it difficult at times for your loved one to find food that matches their taste. Mealtime doesn’t just provide older adults with nutrition; it can also evoke a strong feeling of joy that can improve their quality of life. An at-home caregiver can cook your loved one their favorite meals that are nutritious and delicious.
Franciscan Home Care Solutions offers a wide range of in-home senior care options to help your loved one reach a higher level of wellness. Franciscan Ministries partners with Open Arms, a licensed and fully bonded home care agency, to provide personalized at-home senior care. Our goal is to offer flexible and expert home care to give your family the support it needs. We even offer affordable live-in care that provides your loved one with 24-hour caregiver support. Contact us today to learn more about our expert at-home senior care.