Since the initial outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, the country seems to be held hostage by fear, confusion and uncertainty. Combine that with the contradicting opinions between the government and healthcare officials, quarantine restrictions, and reports of uncertainty from the general population, and you have what has become a perfect storm.
Franciscan Ministries sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago, has developed an initiative, inspired by our philosophy of Living Joyfully, called “Hope Rises”. Hope Rises will chronicle the quiet, untold stories of the healthcare workers and residents from our senior living communities. As stated by Judy Amiano, President and Chief Executive Officer “The purpose of Hope Rises will help bring awareness to the positive and inspirational stories from our senior living communities. It’s meant to celebrate the resilience and spirit of the human condition, where kindness, good works and compassion are what truly matters to overcome any obstacle.”
Visit Franciscan Ministries Hope Rises for all of the Ministries stories.
For more information about Franciscan Ministries, call +1-331-318-5200.
Leaders at Victory Lakes honored their own “health care heroes” by enumerating the exceptional acts of kindness and care health care staff offered to residents between colleagues during the last three months of the pandemic. The special salute took place on June 25th inside the entrance of the community. Read more here!
Village at Victory Lakes wanted to recognize individuals who have spread the word our community in the Lindenhurst area. The Bone and Joint Institute team as well as the Orchard medical group are two organizations which continually serve the Village of Victory Lakes and provide outstanding care to our residents and the community at large. Pictured Christine Gomez, Community Liaison for Victory Lakes, with Dr. Marina Gladson and team. Dr. Gladson and her team are our heroes of healthcare. Dr. Gadson visits VL three days a week serving our residents and it was an honor to recognize she and her team for their hard work!
“You and the entire staff are doing a phenomenal job! We’re so glad that our mother is at Victory Lakes, where so much care and attention is at the forefront! The restrictions are hard on family and residents alike, but it is still far better than the alternative. Keep up the good work and thank you for your vigilance!”
“Thank you to all of you and all of the workers at Victory Lakes for their undying commitment and effort to keeping our loved ones healthy and out of harms way!!!! A special shout to Ms. Jeanne and her forever supporting ways to help My Mom Get everything she needs!”
“Once again Thank You, Thank You, Thank you to all of the staff for the wonderful job they are doing caring for our loved ones!! I have sang VL praises for the almost 5 years my mom has been there …..and do so even more today!! Huge Blessings on all of you for loving our loved one.”
“My Hero Story”
My story is about my boss, Peggy Josupait; and goes back to the very beginning of this pandemic, before things got really scary, before they started hitting close to home, and before any of us had experienced the horrors of this virus up close and personal.
A few months ago, I was looking through the admission sheets that social services receives when we get new patients…and there it was…under admitting diagnosis; it said COVID-19+. It was the first mention of this virus in our facility. Although, the patient was recovering from the illness and tested negative before entering our rehab center; it didn’t take away any of the fear associated with the unknown and uncertainty that followed this virus around. At this point, we knew it was contagious and deadly; it targeted the young, the old, and those with compromised immune systems, and pre-existing respiratory issues. At that point, we were just starting to introduce the “masks” as part of our daily wardrobe and that was the only thing separating us from the coronavirus. It was at that moment; it became more than something that was on the news 24/7…it became real.
Based on what little information we knew about the virus; there is no way my boss should have taken the patient who came to facility with Covid-19, but she did. It might not seem like a big deal, but to me; it felt like she was protecting me, she was pushing fear away from me, and in my mind, took a figurative bullet for me.
I’ve never told her any of this, or how I felt when she gave me the other two admissions that day and she took that one. I decided to follow her lead. Peggy made me want to armor up for this battle we were about to be forced into and I did my best to leave my feelings of fear, anxiety, and worry at home. I felt safe in our social service office because of her. I felt brave coming to work every day not knowing what I’d be walking into because of her. I showed up because I did not feel along…because of her.
Peggy is a self-less person on and off the clock. She is always putting others before herself. To me, she is the ultimate hero. Real heroes don’t ask for attention, don’t care if the media knows who they are, or what they did, and they continue to do silent acts of bravery day in and day out because it’s in their very nature. They don’t care if anyone sees them do something good; they don’t brag about what they’ve done…they just do it.
Peggy is my superhero.
-Kelsie Morway
Social Services Discharge Planner