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Senior Living Cost Calculator

April 15, 2018

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Paying for Senior Care vs. Staying in Your Home

If you’re starting to wonder if downsizing to a senior living community is the right choice for you, you might be concerned about some of the costs associated with paying for senior care. Or, perhaps you’re researching health care services for an aging loved one who may need a bit more help with activities of daily living, and you’re unsure if they can afford cost of assisted living.

It’s important to consider all your monthly expenses, and then factor in that many of these costs are included in your monthly service plan at a senior living community. You may understand why so many residents at senior living communities consider their move as one of their best decisions, but you may be surprised to learn that it’s a great value too…

The Additional Benefits of a Senior Living Community

The life of each and every resident at Franciscan Ministries’ senior living communities is a unique and unfolding story. The residents are the authors while staff, neighbors and family members are committed to helping you find joy regardless of changes in your life. It’s about doing what you love to do – not what you have to do – and having the time to do it. For some it’s rediscovering and renewing a favorite hobby like photography or dancing. For others it’s about sharing talents with those who need and appreciate them. Others find joyful living in the relationships and bonds that community living provides. Joy varies for each person, but our commitment to helping you find it does not. At Franciscan Ministries, we have discovered a way to sow love, forgiveness, faith, hope and light, and most importantly, joy. Come discover for yourself, why any of our communities would be an excellent fit for you or a loved one.

Thanks to a variety of services and amenities offered at Franciscan Ministries’ communities we have simplified life and amplified the fun. At your current home you aren’t blessed with amenities that are within walking distance of your front door. Imagine having access to all of this, and more, just a stroll away, everyday:

  • Beautiful chapels
  • Fitness centers
  • Libraries
  • Cafés
  • Game rooms
  • Beauty parlors
  • Barber shops
  • Media centers
  • Community areas
  • Scenic walking areas
  • Beautiful courtyards

The following assisted living cost calculator worksheet will allow you to calculate your monthly expenses at your current home or apartment against the cost of moving into a senior community.

Item Current Monthly Cost At Franciscan Communities
Heating and Air-Conditioning I N C L U D E D
Electricity I N C L U D E D
Water and Sewer I N C L U D E D
Trash Removal I N C L U D E D
Other Utilities I N C L U D E D
Cable TV I N C L U D E D
Real Estate (Property) Taxes I N C L U D E D
Annual Home Maintenance
(plumbing, A/C and heater or furnace, garage door, pest control, other repairs, etc.) (annual cost divided by 12)
Seasonal Yard/Property Maintenance
(professional lawn care and landscaping, snow removal, leaf removal, gutter cleaning, winterizing, etc.)
Major Repairs/Appliance Replacement
(calculate estimated total over past 3 years and divide by 36)
One Meal Per Day
(calculate monthly average – the cost of one meal multiplied by 30)
Recreational Activities/Entertainment I N C L U D E D
Fuel for Transportation for Errands & Events/Outings I N C L U D E D
24-Hour Security System I N C L U D E D
Mortgage/Rent or other Association Fees I N C L U D E D
Housekeeping Services I N C L U D E D
Flat Linen Service I N C L U D E D
Homeowners Insurance* I N C L U D E D *
* At Franciscan Ministries’ senior living communities, you can convert to renter’s insurance which is much more affordable than homeowner’s insurance.

Now that you’ve calculated your monthly bill, you know that you can afford the freedom to enjoy life in a comfortable, safe senior living community. Contact us today to discuss financial information in further detail.